
Jerome ATEUDJIEU is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, Coordinator of the Master’s Program in Public Health and Epidemiology and Head of Department of Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences; University of Dschang, Cameroon. He graduated in 1998 and 2008 as a Medical Doctor and Public Health Specialist, respectively, from the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon. In 2015, he completed his PhD program in Epidemiology at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Basel. Furthermore, he is a founding member, president and Scientific Director of M.A. Santé (Meilleur Acces aux Soins de Santé), a Cameroon-based NGO.
His career in the health sector began with the position of general practitioner at the Kribi district hospital in 1998. Afterward, he successively served as Medical District Officer for Guéré and Mada health districts; Director of the Gueré District Hospital; Research Officer, deputy head of the Clinical Research unit; Head of the Scientific Network unit, and Head of the Clinical research Unit at the Division of Operational Research in the Ministry of Public Health, Cameroon. He is a member of the Cameroon National Pharmacovigilance Commission and of Adverse Events Following Immunization Nation Expert committee. His main contribution at the operational level of Cameroon's health system has been to the provision of care to patients, to the organisation, monitoring and supervision of the provision of the complementary care package in a district hospital, to the implementation of health policy in a health district, to the implementation of health programmes and supervision of the provision of the minimum care package in health centres, to the organisation of the health district to respond to health emergencies and epidemics and to the organisation of health campaigns. At the ministerial level of the health system, he is involved in protecting research participants by helping to develop the relevant regulations, improving the decentralisation of human health research ethics committees, promoting research in health programmes and hospitals, and improving the pharmacovigilance system.
As part of M.A. SANTE, he participates in improving populations’ access to healthcare by contributing to the development and implementation of research projects, health interventions and projects to provide training leading to qualifications of current and future healthcare staffs, and in mobilizing needed resources for the implementation of these projects.
He began his academic career as an assistant lecturer in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Dschang in 2010 and progressed to the rank of lecturer in 2013 and associate professor of Epidemiology in 2019. During his career, he has contributed to the training of more than 1200 graduates in Biomedical Sciences, 350 medical students, and 150 pharmacy students. He has also supervised about 92 Master’s thesis and medical doctor theses.
Prof. ATEUDJIEU research projects aim to test interventions that are expected to improve the efficiency and safety of routine and emergency protocols for preventive and curative health care, and prevention of environmental pollution.
Over the last 13 years, Prof. ATEUDJIEU has published over 92 original papers in peer-reviewed journals, contributed to 2 book chapters and founded the Cameroon Health Research Forum (CaHReF). This bi-annual forum is an international conference that brings together interested partners and facilitates access of decision makers to health research results.